Scriptural Poetry


$ by Kenneth Hoeck  -- Truth On The Web Ministries

Children of Sorrow

We were cruising the town, hitting the bars
Just little children reaching for stars
Our hearts full of fire, eyes full of hope
Ears full of music, brains full of dope
We struggled through life It all seemed in vain
Just lost little children caught in the rain

Tried hard to escape in illusions of love
In rock~n~roll music, liquor and drugs
We fought with our parents Lost wars of love
Just little children Needing help from above
When reality hit us We fell to our knees
All unknown soldiers - lost on high seas

Its time to fight back We'll never say 'quit'
Made it this far from the dark hellish pit
With Jesus we'll make it Through love and despair
But we must learn to show that we really do care
If we don't follow the Shepherd We'll continue to be
Just lost little children ...alone as can be.

 Copyright ©1993/2007 Kenneth Michael Hoeck

This is a song of hope ... for the sinner. Mostly written before conversion while on the way to the bottom of my life the ending of this poem was lightly modified to show Jesus as the the only way.

James 5:20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.


Sincerely, K. M. Hoeck  – A Poet Servant for God